To start your judicial review, you need to go to the BC Supreme Court registry and file your petition and affidavit. This starts the judicial review process.
When you go to the court to file your documents, bring the following:
- Your original petition, plus enough copies for you and every other party listed under the “On Notice To” section on the first page;
- Your original affidavit in support of your judicial review, plus enough copies for you and every other party listed under the “On Notice To” section on the first page; and
- Money to pay the $200 filing fee. The court will accept cash, interac, money orders and cheques. See the next paragraph if you cannot pay the fee.
If you are asking the court to waive your fees, you do not need to bring the $200, but you do need to bring the following, in addition to the items listed above:
- Your requisition for a fee waiver plus one copy for you;
- Your original affidavit for fee waiver plus one copy for you; and
- A draft of the order waiving your fees.
Make the copies of all these documents after you have signed and dated the originals. The copies need to be exactly the same as the originals.
When you get to the courthouse, look for the civil registry desk. Get in line, and when it is your turn, tell the clerk at the desk that you are representing yourself in a judicial review and you would like to file your documents. If you are applying for a fee waiver, tell the person that you want to apply to have the court filing fees waived. Hand the clerk your original documents and copies.