Community Legal Assistance Society - BC Judicial Review Self-Help Guide

Proving Service

If the person or company you served files a court form called a response to petition (a court document indicating that they are responding to your judicial review), that will prove to the court that they were served properly.  You do not need to do anything else.  People usually have 21 days from when you served them to file and serve you a copy of their response to petition.

If the person or company you served does not file a response to petition (and they may not if they do not want to be involved in the court case), then you can prove you served them by filing an affidavit of service (a sworn statement about service).  In an affidavit of service , you need to set out:

  • what documents you served;
  • who you gave the documents to; and
  • the date and time you served them.

If you served a company at its registered office or the Attorney General by registered mail, keep copies of your registered mail receipts and any tracking information that show the documents were actually delivered.

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Site by the Community Legal Assistance Society. Content available under Creative Commons CC BY-NC licence. This guide is made possible by funding from the British Columbia Ministry of Justice and the Law Foundation of British Columbia. This guide was originally produced by David Mossop, Q.C.
Law Foundation of British ColumbiaCLAS Community Legal Assistance Society